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Overview of Codebase

This guide aims to provide an overview of the project's codebase to help new contributors.

The core implementation of Safely Report is contained in the safely_report folder, which is structured as follows:

├──     # Defines a function to set up the Flask application
├──       # Defines database table schemas
├──    # Sets up jobs to run on a regular basis (e.g., cache cleanup)
├──     # Sets up configuration values for the Flask application
├──        # Defines commonly used functions
├── admin/          # Contains components and routes for admin access
├── auth/           # Contains components and routes for authentication
├── survey/         # Contains components and routes for running survey
├── enumerator/     # Contains components and routes for enumerator access
├── static/         # Contains static files such as style sheets
└── templates/      # Contains HTML templates using Jinja2

Note that the current project uses Blueprints to organize application routes. Hence, routes relating to authentication are all contained in the "auth" Blueprint, which is defined in safely_report/auth/


In Flask, it is common practice to define routes in Safely Report follows the same practice, so you can find route definitions in files across different folders.


The project uses the Flask-Admin package to build the admin interface. Hence, route definitions will look different in safely_report/admin/

The safely_report/survey/ folder contains multiple components to support survey execution:

  • SurveyProcessor implements a survey processing engine that moves between different survey elements and controls their properties to run the survey.

  • SurveySession defines an interface to limit and structure interaction with the (server-side) session object. It is used by SurveyProcessor to cache user data during each survey session.

  • SurveyFormGenerator generates a WTForms form for SurveyProcessor's current element, which can be used by the front end to render the element.

  • Garbler implements a garbling engine that parses garbling specifications in XLSForm and uses them to perform different garbling schemes.

  • XLSFormFunctions implements Python counterparts (e.g., _selected_at()) of XLSForm functions (e.g., selected-at()). These are then used by SurveyProcessor to handle XLSForm logic properly.

  • XLSFormReader parses and validates XLSForm to generate its Python representation. It is used by SurveyProcessor to initiate the survey.

Each component is defined in a dedicated file in safely_report/survey/.